

ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2020

Entry 18th December 2020: Post 1: BootWriter - bootblock.library and brainfile.

BootWriter - bootblock.library and brainfile.

Over the last few weeks I have mentioned the 'bootblock' for a disk
and probably skipped quite a bit of detail. Earlier this year I
did discuss at length the creation of a 'bootblock' using the very
wonderful BootWriter v1.2. I now have the clarity of the emulator
so I thought I would add a series of images of the 'readme' document
so that there is better explanation of the process.

Hope that helps.

BootWriter is bought to you courtesy of Ralph Thanner 1994.

BootWriter - bootblock.library and brainfile.

BootWriter is on AUI SuperDisk No 83
for June 1996. First disk.

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Last updated 18th December 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2020