

ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2020

Entry 29th December 2020: Post 1: Usborne - 1980's programming books for free.

Usborne - 1980's programming books for free.
There was a recent request for a simple guide on how to program
in BASIC and they really don't come any simpler than those written
by Usborne Books back in the eighties. I had scanned one of my
books and then discovered the company is still around and allowing
PDF downloads of these books 'FOR FREE'. How wonderful is that.

When I first started out there was very little written at the time
relating to BASIC for the home computer market. So when I found
this series of books I just gobbled them up, and even though they
were a touch basic even for BASIC they really did help me a lot.

Anyhoo ... nuff about me. Here is that first book.

And you can download the book here.

Usborne - 1980's programming books for free.

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Last updated 29th December 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2020