

ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2021

Entry 10th December 2021: Post 1: MCC PASCAL for the Amiga by MetaComCo.

MCC PASCAL for the Amiga by MetaComCo.

Following on from my recent blog regarding Pascal I finally have
tracked down my MCC PASCAL book by MetaComCo. Sadly the disk is
missing. I have downloaded a version of the software by MCC off
the net but from the contents of the disk it is not the one that
is provided with the book. I will now try to find the actual disk
that accompanied the book.

Here are the original contents:

Appendix B: Disk Contents

This appendix is included to give a better idea of exactly which 
files are on the MCC Pascal product disk.


amiga.lib	The standard AmigaDOS library

C Directory

alink		The standard AmigaDOS linker
assign		The standard AmigaDOS assign command
copy		The standard AmigaDOS copy command
dir		The standard AmigaDOS dir command
ed		The standard AmigaDOS editor command
execute 	The standard AmigaDOS execute command
list		The standard AmigaDOS list command
pascal		The MCC Pascal compiler
stack		The standard AmigaDOS stack command
type		The standard AmigaDOS type command


The standard constant and type include files

configregs.h		configvars.h		diskfont.h
dos.h			dosextens.h		expansion.h
expansionbase.h		filehandler.h		mathffp.h
romboot_base.h		translator.h

clist		ClistBase access and clist routine definitions
diskfont	DiskfontBase access and diskfont routine definitions
dos		AmigaDOS routine definitions
exec		ExecBase routine definitions
gfx		GfxBase access routine definitions
icon		IconBase access and icon routine definitions
intuition	IntuitionBase access routine definitions
layers		MayerBase access and layers routine definitions
math		MathBase access routine definitions
mathieeedoubbas MathIeeeDoubBasBase access routine definitions
Mathtrans	MathTransBase access routine definitions
translator	TranslatorBase access routine definitions


The standard constant and type include files

icon.h			startup.h		workbench.h

L/PASCAL Directory

errors		The MCC Pascal compiler error file
pas.lib		The MCC pascal library
pstartup.obj	The MCC Pascal startup sequence

EXEC Directory

The standard constant and type include files

alerts.h		devices.h		errors.h
exec.h			execbase.h		execname.h
interrupts.h		io.h			libraries.h
lists.h			memory.h		nodes.h
ports.h			resident.h		semamphores.h
tasks.h			types.h

devices		Exec routine definitions relating to devices
Interrupts	Exec routine definitions relating to interrupts
io		Exec routine definitions relating to io
libraries	Exec routine definitions relating to libraries
lists		Exec routine definitions relating to lists
memory		Exec routine definitions relating to memory
ports		Exec routine definitions relating to ports
resources	Exec routine definitions relating to resources
routines	Exec routine definitions relating to routines
signals		Exec routine definitions relating to signals
tasks		Exec routine definitions relating to tasks

GRAPHIC Directory

The standard constant and type include files

clip.h			collide.h		copper.h
display.h		gels.h			gfx.h
gfxbase.h		gfxmacros.h		graphint.h
layers.h		rastport.h		regions.h
sprite.h		text.h			view.h

blitter		Graphics routine definitions relating to blitter	
copper		Graphics routine definitions relating to copper
gels		Graphics routine definitions relating to gels
layers		Graphics routine definitions relating to layers
ratsports	Graphics routine definitions relating to rastports
regions		Graphics routine definitions relating to regions
routines	Miscellaneous Graphics routine definitions
sprite		Graphics routine definitions relating to sprites
text		Graphics routine definitions relating to text
view		Graphics routine definitions relating to views


The standard constant and type include files

intuition.h		intuitionbase.h		preferences.h

gadgets		Intuition routine definitions relating to gadgets
menus		Intuition routine definitions relating to menus
preferences	Intuition routine definitions relating to preferences
remember	Intuition routine definitions relating to remember
requests	Intuition routine definitions relating to requests
routines	Miscellaneous Intuition routine definitions
screens		Intuition routine definitions relating to screens
windows		Intuition routine definitions relating to windows
workbench	Intuition routine definitions relating to workbench

T Directory

RESOURCE Directory

The standard constant and type include files

cia.h			disk.h			misc.h

routines 	Resource routine definitions

HARDWARE Directory

The standard constant and type include files

adkbits.h		blit.h			cia.h
custom.h		dmabits.h		intbits.h

DEVICES Directory

The standard constant and type include files

audio.h			bootblock.h		clipboard.h
console.h		conunit.h		gameport.h
input.h			inputevent.h		keyboard.h
keymap.h		narrator.h		parallel.h
printer.h		prtbase.h		serial.h
timer.h			trackdisk.h

routines	Device routine definitions

EXAMPLES Directory

examine.pas		Directory examination example
layers.pas		Pascal program to manipulate layers on the screen
speechtoy.pas		Pascal speechtoy program 		Include file for speechtoy program
initsspeechtoy.pas	First module for speechtoy program
dospeechtoy.pas		Second module for speechtoy program		Execute file for speechtoy program
sprite.pas		Pascal program to bounce a sprite around the screen
window			Pascal program to open simple window

Other files	Include file containing error constants
execute.file	Execute file for getting started appendix
hello.pas	Trivial Pascal program for getting started appendix
readme.txt	Stop Press Information

The README.TXT file contains a list of files found on the disk. It may
also contain information on any changes made after this manual was

MCC PASCAL for the Amiga by MetaComCo.


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Last updated 10th December 2021

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