

ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2022

Entry 4th February 2022: Post 2: Amiga Game - Hellfire Attack.

Amiga Game - Hellfire Attack.
First up if you are the creator of Hellfire Attack then I would
suggest not reading any further. This isn't a comment specifically
about this game, but a vehicle for saying something more general.

I see many posts on forums about new and returning Amiga users
wanting to beef up their kit to play a shed load of old Amiga
games. They fit Gotek style drives and have endless lists of games
pilfered from cracked sources downloaded off the internet. This
I have never understood. Reason being that for the most part many
of these games were truly bad. How anyone can sustain any fun from
this junk I have no idea. [ no offence ]. I doubt the games were
even mildly enjoyable on their release. I don't know.

I have a theory that has held me in good stead for many decades
and that is in any one year there are but a handful of films, and
books, and games that are worth bothering with. It applies to all
forms of entertainment. You can count the numbers of top albums,
singles, films, books, tv series and the various stars on one hand
for even given format. So when it comes to the Amiga, there are
like 50 games tops worth bothering with and for that number I
really would just invest in the boxed versions and build up a
serious collection.

For my part I have never seen any benefit from collecting games
just for the sake of it. Better is to have a smaller collection of
triple and double A games that will always entertain. Better is
to simply admire the artwork and box work and reflect on just how
wonderful they were in the day and log on to Final Fantasy XIV
online and have a blast playing in the here and now. Retro can
be fun but I'm afraid it really is very dated.

Anyway back to Hellfire Attack and some screaming, fast, furious
'copter fighting... or not. Probably not.

scuzz you are such a **ll**itting hypocrite at times

PS: I only loaded the game up cus I was intrigued by the arrows
pointing at 2 and upside down wording on the disk. Go figure.

This is not Hellfire Attack OK

Desert Strike ... Magical music intro. Classic.


Amiga Game - Hellfire Attack.

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Last updated 4th February 2022

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