

ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2022

Entry 25th February 2022: Post 1: RocGen Plus RG310C - Genlock by RocTec.

RocGen Plus RG310C - Genlock by RocTec.
Whenever I get the opportunity to rummage through the tubs I will
often drag out a bit of kit that I have tried to make reference
to but have been unable to do so, cus it's out of reach. The RocGen
is one just item that I failed to show images of the whole unit in
the past. So time to puts that to right.

What is a Genlock ?

The word 'genlock' is somewhat misused by the Amiga community. In
strict video terminology, genlock is used to describe the electronic
synchronisation of two separate video signals, a critical video
function that must occur before any multi-signal processing can
begin. An engineer in a TV studio might say, 'let's genlock or
synchronise these two signals together.' Two video signals are
GENerated and then LOCKed, hence the term 'genlock'.

RocGen Plus RG310C - Genlock by RocTec.

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Last updated 25th February 2022

Chandraise Kingdom

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