

ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2021

Entry 17th January 2021: Post 2: Book Tips - Games and Programming.

Book Tips - Games and Programming.

During the glory days of the Amiga any number of books were made
in support of the platform. None more so relevant than the games
books and programming books. Either are worthy of a place on your
shelf. It really is worth keeping an eye out for gaming guides
cus not only do you get walk-throughs but also a whole bag of
cheats that can really help you out in a fix.

As to programming I do believe that you can never have too many
AmigaDOS books lying around. Ones that give you examples and
scripting are great help. Any book that saves you time and builds
on your understanding of the Amiga has gotta be worthwhile. Just
keep an eye out on the auctions and grab a copy when they surface.

I was dusting off the shelves above the Checkmate and these two
little gems popped out. I doubt you will be so lucky. Happens to
me all the time. It then takes me somewhere else on my Amiga

Happy days. Always happy days.

Book Tips - Games and Programming.

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Last updated 17th January 2021

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