

ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2022

Entry 19th January 2022: Post 1: Star Trek - Back to the old frontier.

Star Trek - Back to the old frontier.
Over the winter solstice, post the Saturnalia fest I often partake
of a few DVDs to honour the dark nights. So this fest I purchased
a dozen or so treats to fill the spaces in my collection mostly
from the Marvel Comics back catalogue. I had determined never to
buy any more Marvel films following the debacle that was the
Age of Ultron, but as it appeared the team would be cast to the
wind following End Game, I thought I'd  suffer some more of the
Marvel nonsense, and just take it with a pinch of salt. I also
struggled with a couple of DC offerings and a few films that for
some reason seemed to have illuded me.

First up though to Star Trek. Breaks into song ' Space may be the
final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement '....   
Californication from the 'Chili Peppers [Potts]. OK so when I
reflect on the fact that it's been over 25 years since I bought
the 25th Anniversary Star Trek Amiga game it'll give you some
idea of the age of the original Star Trek series. The year was
1966 and I watched the series in black and white. At the end of
each show they showed stills of the whole series. Me and my other
brothers and sisters sat there screaming ' We've seen that ' as
we got excited over ones we hadn't seen.

You have to remember that these were not JJ Abrahams once every
five year films, these were on every single week for like half
a year. Time was we got our entertainment at a little more
frequent time intervals. It is easy to be critical of the sets
and special effects in today's world of CGI but in truth the
stories still hold water and the performances are magical. I do
have to say that Shatner's weekly love interest was a little
more prolific than I recall, and the general use of women as
sex objects probably not something that would happen today.

This was the remastered edition so I could watch on my wide
screen monitor. It had been executed with great skill and I did
feel at times that this was a modern rendition. Forgetting all
the obvious limitations of the tech the series really is very
very entertaining, and I'm watching one a night and I am still
only half way through. I do love just sitting down and watching
Kirk, Spock and the crew go about their duties. The style of
the Enterprise really does work for the era and it's a joy to

Once I complete the series I will certainly get the remaining
sets. The stories are generally blunt and to the point and I
do like the prologue at the end with the comical interplay
between the cast. Shatner is quite magnificent as Kirk, as are
all the other actors. Their performances are effortless. Well
worth the money and well worth watching.

As for the other films I struggled with I make comment below.
So here is my Saturnalia review of films that I decided to add
to my very own Room 101... not necessarily all failures but in
truth hardly works of art.

Star Trek - Back to the old frontier.

My Saturnalia film review

RoboCop: I struggle to see how making a film
that so badly 'does not' capture the mood of
the original, is worth making. Further, this
was always a 'B' movie so have fun with it.

Scuzzomato score 5/10

Batman v Superman: I didn't know that Gotham City
and Metropolis were neighbouring cities. Question,
does Ben Affleck ever enjoy making films. These
movies are all too dark. I had no idea why Batman
hated Superman so and then at the mere mention of
his mothers name he loved the guy. It was slow,
tedious, boring and as ever showed Batman as a sad
unhappy type. The original shows with Robin were
always colourful.

Scuzzomato score 5/10

The Martian: How did I miss this film HOW? I so
enjoyed this film. The only downside was he didn't
build up a better relationship with his scutter
There could have been a more convincing way of
showing what must have been a serious test of his
mental state given the time involved. Simply
saying... 7 months later, really was a bit of a
cheat. Saying that I really, really enjoyed this.

Scuzzomato score 9/10

Lucy: Or more fittingly LUC'y as this was most
definitely a LUC Besson film. Man do I like these
films. The film at one point makes you question
2001 Space Odyssey and god.. with the words I am
everywhere. I don't care how many stupid things
happened in this film, I don't care that Morgan
Freeman's role was pointless. I love Luc Besson....
And Scarlet, but hey.

Scuzzomato score 8/10

Deadpool: Wait! is this the same Wade Wilson from
Xmen Origins Wolverine, cus if so they decided to
re-write the story. I have to say as I watched this
film I kinda questioned why? .. was I watching this
film. I seriously have issue with films that expect
empathy with a character that enjoys gratuitous
violence. I did not like the character. I had the
same problem with John Wick. So sorry, that's the last.

Scuzzomato score 3/10

StarWars The Last Jedi: Where do I begin. I guess
it all started to go bad after the first Star Wars
movie. But hey we are here now. The female main
character cannot act to save her life. Luke's role
was a comical jaunt showing how he survived on a rock
for no reason. His only part to play in a story that
had created a premise that he was a real threat,
was to appear as an illusion and then fall off a rock
and die. Rey's skills amounted to moving some rocks to
aid an escape. And the baddies could not even sense
the parties as they moved through the cavern This
really was kids stuff and quite insulting.

Scuzzomato score 2/10

Captain America Civil War: I like Captain America.
I did not like this film. It was a film that basically
split the Avengers in two so they could have the most
boring moronic fight scene between themselves.
Self indulgent twaddle.

Scuzzomato score 3/10

Avengers Infinity Wars: Very good. Very good indeed.
Mostly cus it featured a wider universe than the
one I currently live in. It really got me hooked back
into Marvel and was reason why I bought more DVDs.

Scuzzomato score 8/10

Avengers Endgame: I have a problem with any film
that resolves its story by introducing time travel.
It really is a cop out. I also struggled with how
Thanos chose his victims. I also had real problems
with the resolution of the time fracture by going
back and replacing the stones. Made no sense. I can
cope with pure fantasy, but not one that tries to
explain its reasoning. [ scuzz ]

Scuzzomato score 7/10

Captain Marvel: I seriously enjoyed this film. The
part played by Samuel L Jackson reminded me of
his Die Hard adventure. The story was intriguing
and very human in its portrayal. I found Brie Larsen
to be very believable. And Jude Law makes any film
fun. They seemed to have escaped the drivel that
is Tony Stark incorporated. [ It wasn't Tony's fault
by the way ... Jessica Rabbit syndrome ].

Scuzzomato score 8/10

Wonder Woman 1984: Why was this film set in 1984?
It was so badly executed, had a most dreary cast.
Chris Pine was cast as an idiot and Wonder Woman
was anything other than the strong character she
previously had portrayed. This is one of the few
movies I watched that I fast forwarded.

Scuzzomato score 2/10

Black Panther: I will have to watch this film again
when I am in a better mood. For me I didn't see the
point of this world or the value of his powers.

Scuzzomato score 5/10

Ant-Man: This is where I get bored even typing
these comments. I kinda sensed that the studios
were scraping the barrel finding action heroes.

Scuzzomato score 3/10

Ant-Man and Wasp: It got worse. I felt I was
watching one of those cheap Saturday morning
kids stories. Very badly conceived and even
more badly executed. So much in this film
made me cringe.

By the way buildings are fed by sewers, power
gas, water, cable, telephone and generally have
foundations, which are way bigger for taller
structures. And like nobody noticed a building
suddenly appearing and disappearing.

Scuzzomato score 2/10

Thor Ragnarok: Brilliant .. simply brilliant.
I mean Cate Blanchett and Jeff Goldbloom. Classic
Simply the best lines in any film ...' I tried to
start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets'
Taika Waititi is a genius. I could watch this film
over and over again.

Scuzzomato score 10/10

Guardians of the Galaxy: And we save the best for
last. Why can't this kind of thing be on TV every
night. It is what adventure is all about. Bonkers
characters, bonkers storyline, bonkers locations
and endless one liners. BLOODY WONDERFUL.

Scuzzomato score 10/10

Guardians of the Galaxy 2: Ditto on the first.
Just keep this stuff away from the Marvel
Universe. The world I live in is boring as 'f'
I just want to be entertained. I don't want
to be reminded about how crap earth is. So
with Guardians ... a whole lot more. Please.

Scuzzomato score 9/10

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Last updated 19th January 2022

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