Marvin's Marvellous Adventure | Arcade Snooker | Kingpin | Pool | Worms | Syndicate
ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2025
Entry 9th January 2025: Post 1: Amiga Games - Winter Warmers.
Amiga Games - Winter Warmers.
My goodness it got cold very fast here in the UK and what better
way to settle down on a cold winters night than with a few easy
going and entertaining games on the Amiga 1200. Probably not
everyone's cup of tea, but when I look back at the nineties on
the Amiga and reflect on what I'd be playing to keep myself warm ,
it would be these.
01: Marvin's Marvellous Adventure - side scrolling platform hop
and jump game that a child of three could play. No pressure.
02: Kingpin - All the atmosphere of the bowling alley and again
just so easy to get going.
Note that the cover disk that I link will ask for a disk and it
requires an empty disk. If you press return it places Bubble and
Squeak on the disk. Sadly you have to create the Bubble disk. I
just leave it in and then write over it with Kingpin.
03: Arcade Pool - Team 17 Classic if you like pool. [ plus snooker ]
04: Banshee - Core with a blazing game. No disk link but I'm
sure you can find one.
Plus a couple others that are smokin'
I have given the cover disks as I never feel comfortable offering
commercial games disks. If you like the games just get yourself
an official copy.
Amiga Games - Winter Warmers.
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Last updated 9th January 2025
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