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ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2018

Entry 2nd July 2018: Post 02: Finding Graham

Finding Graham - Down and up the Amiga hill

Following my adventures yesterday trying to get the A4000d working
I did threaten to try and get that 3.5" hard drive working and so
today I set too digging out Graham, the bogus Amiga 1400 that I use
to check out 3.5" drives. The Amiga 1500 houses an Amiga 1200 and
is so easy to swap out hard drives. Trouble is the computer is the
bottom of a pretty deep stack of Amigas so first up I had to safely
take the Amiga mountain apart.

So join me as I go down the hill and then back up the other side
as I dig out Graham the bogus Amiga 1400 to do some disk salvaging.

Down and up the Amiga hill

'What brings you onto the mountain' ... Warcraft

Amigas hiding under cover.

That's one serious stack of Amigas.

First off the hill is the humble Amiga 600.

This Amiga gets lumped around a lot.

The very handy A500 mouse-matt.

The Amiga 1011 external.

Probably the best floppy drive like ever.

Second off the pile is the A500 and A590.

And yes I know she's gone very yellow.

Doesn't impact on the running of the Amiga.

Next up, or is it down... the classic Amiga 1000.

AND FINALLY ... meet Graham.

Regular readers of the blog will know Graham.
He is an Amiga 1200 hiding deep inside an
Amiga 1500. Gives me external keyboard and the
ability to swap out 3.5" drives at the drop of a hat.

Currently disconnected as I was working
on a number of other drives recently.

And 'no' I haven't recapped the caps.

Has the original 3.0 ROMS.

OK to business and finally ready to do the do
with that dodgy hard drive from yesterday...
Yes that long ago. How time flies.

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Last updated 02/07/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

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