

ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2020

Entry 30th July 2020: Post 1: Star Wars - A bit late

Star Wars - A bit late

It has been a strange couple of months, what with one thing and
another. The heat comes and goes and I am kinda stopping and then
starting my retro activities to suit. Mostly though I have been
in the garden and man has this been a challenge. Anyway, a while
back I did a feature on Star Wars and was cursing that I couldn't
find my 5.25" versions of the game. Blow me, they were stuck
between a couple of Amiga disk boxes. Found them whilst I was
doing a review of my Amiga disks.

I decided to photograph them anyways, though no feature as such.
If you don't know what Star Wars is then there really is very
little hope for any of us. I also found a couple of other games
on 5.25".

That is all. I can get back to my gardening.

Star Wars - A bit late

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Last updated 30th July 2020

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scuzzscink 2020