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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2018

Entry 6th June 2018: Post: 2: EG2000

EG2000 - Colour Genie - What's with the big numbers

Another heavy boxed machine from a high shelf. Must have been
stored up here for over a decade. Couldn't even remember buying
one until I checked my own web pages. Never been switched on and
will never. Not quite as ancient as the previous machine though
still old I guess at 1982. Performs a little more like a computer
should though not able to mix the graphics with text.

The EG2000 Colour Genie made by Eaca in Hong Kong in 1982
Uses Microsoft BASIC utilising the 63 keys typewriter keyboard
The CPU is a Zilog Z80 running at 2.2 MHz.
Has 16 KB RAM and can take a 32 KB memory expansion
ROM is just the 16 KB.

There is a port for a light pen of all things plus joysticks

This computer had a floppy disk controller and could support
up to four 5.25" floppy drives.

The computer has quite a strong link to the TRS-80 Model 1 although
because it was a product of this earlier TRS model is not compatible
with the later TRS-80 Color models and software.

Storing Computers

Just a quick note about storage. Always remember to keep wires away from polystyrene as they will melt and glue to the packaging and even mark and destroy the computer face-work. Place in bags. I also place tissue between sensitive face-work and other components. Do remember which way up you put the computer away and try to lay flat if you can. Don't place anything heavy on keyboards when stored as they will eventually lock up the keys and bend space bar keys. If you place boxes on top of each other make sure the computer below is not under any pressure. Watch out for electrical plugs that can hole packaging and worse crack computer casings. And watch out when putting loose computers on boxes as they have rubber feet sometimes and dent and even mark your boxes. When collecting, everything is valuable, even the polystyrene inserts, so always store carefully. If you store boxes in remote locations, again cover face-work with tissue, especially on the top as sadly spiders will crap on anything flat and level. Its a full time job keeping spiders away from any item stored for long periods of time. They will make a home in any slot or opening in hardware so do try to keep covered.


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Last updated 06/06/2018

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