

ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2021

Entry 2nd June 2021: Post 3: Evesham XP - Black box top of the pile.

Evesham XP - Black box top of the pile.

In extracting the Win3.1 computer I has to move two other machines
the one on the top of the pile was this Evesham XP mini tower which
dates from around 2006. She is technically junk as she became
redundant and was disregarded. Sadly she wasn't working and I had
cause to replace the graphics card and kick her a few times. Also
the floppy wasn't working so I replaced with a white one that
kinda looks out of place, but hey.

She works fine now and is networked to my twenty or so PCs on my
local intranet. She has two names. Ashley is the computer name
and Risa is the Amiga share that I use.

In terms of spec she is an Evesham Technologies Pentium 4 dual
core running Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3.
Pentium 4 s 2 CPU 3.00 GHz with 1.5 GB RAM. Graphics is a RADEON
9200SE and network uses an Intel Pro/100 adaptor. The hard drive
is NTFS 75GB. So all in all quite a modest affair. She has a
largish flat screen monitor and plays seamless mp4 vids so quite
nice having on in the Amiga workshop as a backdrop. She also plays
a mean sound thro speakers and great for Dance EJAY compositions.

The USB on the front and the floppy drive plus network makes for
easy transfer to the Amiga and other Windows machines.

Just as an aside, it was I that introduced my company to Evesham
as they had been very supportive during my Amiga days. They did
not fail us. Sadly they did not survive the financial crisis and
no longer are trading. Boo Hoo !!

Evesham XP - Black box top of the pile.

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Last updated 2nd June 2021

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2021