

ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2020

Entry 30th March 2020: Post 01: Amiga 1200 and the Q and 80 on the 5.25.

Amiga 1200 and the Q and 80 on the 5.25.

The other day I was trying out my unbranded 5.25" floppy drive on
the A600. All was going fine until I got repeat failures trying
to copy files over. I could format the drive but not copy. So I
set the 5.25" to one side and decided to investigate further.

The Amiga will most likely work no problem with an 80 Track 5.25"
drive. It will work with the 40 TRK in CrossDOS mode with a
special PC1 mount file. Historically I only used the 5.25" in
80 mode and avoided the PC1.

So why have the 5.25" drive. If you look at the pictures here
you will see the A1200 sitting atop an Amiga 1000 with a 1060 side
car. The aim was to use the 5.25" drive to assist in the creation
of Amiga floppy disks for the 1060. In the end I fitted a 5.25"
to my IBM PS/1 and created my DOS disks that way.

The A1200 also has fitted the 'Q' Drive which is a strange CD-ROM
as it uses its own file system which sadly will not read CDs that
I have burnt myself. It also hangs badly on boot and can struggle
if the disc isn't in the player when you boot. So after a while
I swapped out this A1200 for another that has the SCSI Squirrel.
So why so many Amiga 1200's ?. Cus I can. And I prefer to leave
set-ups as they were installed to suit differing peripherals and
the like. Just helps a lot.

So why wasn't the 5.25" drive working. That was easy. I had the
switch on the back set to 40 and not 80. I must have been mucking
around with PC disks when I decided to pull the machine, and just
didn't flick the switch back. DUH !!

Anyhoo I reconnected the A1200, Q and the 5.25 having set the thang
to 80 and she worked without fault. I use in the example some very
large icons featuring the very lovely Clara Veiga so you can see
when I am fiddling with the 5.25" drive. OOOhh er !!

Commodore did make the A1020 for the Amiga which sadly is only a
40 Track device. The aim I assume was to feed the emulator and
the various PC based software. Dunno. Pretty useless to me.

Having set up the A1200 called 'MOOT' I decided to refit the
Blizzard 1230IV and have her on permanent for now in the main
Amiga store area. I did enjoy mucking around with Aminet disks
and sitting atop the 1000 lets me further my customisation of the
A1000 disks that I had kinda given up on. Thing is I say I will
give up but always return. This way I can look at the Fish CD for
useful files. As you do.

Amiga 1200 and the Q and 80 on the 5.25.

Unbranded 5.25" floppy drive.

A1200 that I use with the Amiga 1000.

The drive above is a high density drive.

Sitting to the left is the 'Q' Drive and CD-ROM.

Below the drive is the Amiga 1060 sidecar.

The 5.25" floppy is set to 80 Track.

The 'Q' Drive uses its own File System.

I unhooked the Vidi Amiga and HD floppy
given that it is driven by the floppy
and I didn't want to tax the A1200.

And so we are ready.

I use big Clara Veiga icons to make
understanding the drives easier on screen.

Clara Veiga is the Amiga based 5.25"
floppy volume without a special mount file.

The 'Q' Drive has Aminet Volume 11 for reference.

I can copy a few files over to test.

DOpus shows the current Devs/DOSDrivers
And note that there is no PC1 for DF1.

OK let me Format a new 5.25" floppy.
The drive is treated as a 3.5" format.

I name the floppy as scuzz and test copy a file.

And now scuzz appears as DF1.

And there is the file I copied.

I then copy an animation plus a Clara Veiga file for the big icon.

I also copy some Aminet files into a
BBS drawer for good measure.

And all the files and drawers appears
on the 5.25" drive just as a 3.5" drive.

And I created a PC1 for using CrossDOS but
chose not to mount it. This is the mountfile
for 40 Tracks. The Flags set to 1 is essential
if you want to read as a 40 Track device.

One thing I find useful when using external
devices is to set ECHO to ON in the User-Startup.

That way you see the script of the loading process
on boot. If the computer halts booting it will hang
on the line identifying the device and let you know
which one aint working.

Time to copy over SysInfo.

And there are all the drives listed.

This is the contents of the Aminet CD.

And this is your boot priority from holding
both mouse buttons down on boot. Very useful.

I had to do some deep digging to source
the power rating for the 'Q'Drive.

OK time to reinstall the Blizzard 1230IV.

The current 2.5" internal drive.

The 3.0 ROMs which are just fine.

Enter the mighty Blizzard. I never bother
installing from below. I fit from above.

Watch that shielding. Good idea to add a
little electrical tape to stop shorting.

32MB RAM. The only way to go.

The interface top left is for the SCSI KIT.

My sticky note.

Computer name and Commodore label.

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Last updated 30th March 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

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