

ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2021

Entry 28th March 2021: Post 1: Commodore 154I - A sound request.

Commodore 154I - A sound request.

Not often I get a request for what is the sound of a piece of kit.
In this case it was the drive noise of a Commodore 154I floppy. In
truth they all sound a little different, and what with the age of
these things there is no guarantee of the original noise.

In doing the exercise I grabbed the first disk from the box and it
was from someone else's collection. Odd what you find on other
peoples disks. This had a Playboy logo on it. Weird.


Here she is the 154I accessing a disk and formatting a disk.

Commodore 1541

The hole is an absent JiffyDOS switch


Commodore 154I - A sound request.

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Last updated 27th March 2021

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2021