

ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2022

Entry 6th March 2022: Post 2: My ethereal Amiga 500 - Out of this world.

My ethereal Amiga 500 - Out of this world.

This morning as I checked over the computers in my store area I
couldn't help but think that the Amiga 500 with the ViperCD card
inside looked like she was floating on air. Probably the way the
sun was reflecting on the plastic protective bubble wrap. She
looked all ethereal so I took a few hurried snaps to remember
the moment.

I don't use the computer other than to check every so often. She
shares a SONY Trinitron with an Einstein. Sad that she is plonked
on top of the tubs as she is but that's the way it is here.

She was working fine and displayed the 'stonking' performance of
the Viper being a touch faster than a stock A1200. She also has
the 8MB RAM which gives the added boost. The A500 is still the
original ECS with just the 1mb AGNUS and base 512K. The case has
managed to avoid the dreaded yellow mellow and she always looks
dreamy sitting atop her ethereal tower.

Sorry for that, couldn't resist today. The pictures were a bit
shaky but you get the idea.

My ethereal Amiga 500 - Out of this world.

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Last updated 6th March 2022

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