

ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2022

Entry 16th March 2022: Post 1: Weird Science Multimedia Toolkit.

Weird Science Multimedia Toolkit.

I do believe that the Weird Science disc issued by Amiga Computing
with Issue 87 May 95 was the only CD they ever included as a CD
cover release. To be honest given the poor quality of the content
it wasn't something I missed that much. Like with other CDs of the
time I didn't have a CD-ROM drive on the Amiga so no biggy.

The Weird Science disc is less of a toolkit and more of an examples
disc showing images and then slide-shows of the same images. There
are a healthy batch of music mods and samples plus some relatively
crude icons. On the whole I have to say rather disappointing.

Weird Science was a label that released quite a number of CDs in the
day. Problem was the magazines were full of the things. The release
of similar discs was quite prolific and rarely of any quality or
usefulness. Even today it's hard thinking of why you would look at
the discs. They are hardly inspiring.

However, I will give a big shout for Amiga Formats Scene Storm which
came with Issue 97 for May 97. This CD is crammed to the brim with
literally fantastic items of use and interest. There are demos and
intros and news of gatherings and parties. The folders are just
endless. I cannot praise this disc enough. Played it to death.

Anyhoo that was that for today. I have been on the search for a lost
CD which I discovered for Lightwave. I happened across this Weird
Science disc and recall how poor it was so I thought I would treat
you all to the disappointing content. Just an example of what was
going on CD wise in the post Commodore era of the nineties.

Raining again. As ever.

Weird Science Multimedia Toolkit.

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Last updated 16th March 2022

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