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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2018

Entry 18th May 2018: Post: 2

A590 - An A500 running 3.1 off a 3.1.. Seriously !!

Was as surprised as any when I first discovered this. And I actually
have three 500s with the 3.1 ROM. Just never thought it was possible
in the day.

So have a look at my beautiful A500 with its A590 fitted with the
3.1 ROM and running the 3.1 OS.

The A590 with 3.1 ROM and OS

Nice and tanned

1011 looks a bit strange

That's better

Like I've said before, I have no issue
with Amigas going yellow. It is just a
natural aging process. Not important.

This 500 generally sits atop an Amiga 1000
and I flip the monitor connector between
it and the 1000 and Graham the bogus 1400

OK time to fire up

40.63 and 40.42 which basically means OS 3.1
and running off the 3.1 ROM

MultiCX is an OS3 tool

Just like the A1200

Sadly mine died.. Boo Hoo !! Didn't feed it.

Only the one partition and has only
4MB spare so not many games here

Just your basic 500 other than the 3.1

What more can I say.. Another A500 gem and
showing the versatility of the Amiga. Along
with the staying power of the Amiga 590

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Last updated 18/05/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018