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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2018

Entry 20th May 2018: Post: 2

GVP .. Future-proofing

I actually started collecting computers as a way of future-proofing 
my interest. I guess when Commodore went bust it became apparent 
that new kit was going to become a little rare. Having bought my
A1200 I failed to get a 1942 monitor in time and had to settle for
a Microvitec. Following this I had a failure with a monitor and 
even the electrical repair shop I used specialising in Amigas
closed down. 

So I began to check the adverts in the local paper and when the odd
Amiga kit came up for sale I would often buy them. The whole process
was to future'proof' my interest as I couldn't be without the Amiga.

Soon this grew into, well kinda future-proofing the future-proofing
until I became the nutter that I am now.

So with the failure of the GVP power supply, are you surprised that
I just happened to have these two boxes on a shelf.

GVP Series II

No worries I had a spare anyway. As you do !!

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Last updated 20/05/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018