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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2018

Entry 23rd May 2018: Post: 1

Atari 1040ST - Is it an F or an M or an E

So what's it going to be, an F, M or E. Seriously guys make your
minds up already. For the uninitiated the 'F' is for the Atari
fitted with an internal floppy, though the type can vary. Then
the 'M' indicates a modulator and the 'E' well I just assumed
that is for the 'Enhanced' joystick ports. Kinda confusing that
last one cus the ports are inverted like on the Jaguar I assume
with the traditional port next to the mouse port on the base.

For me the ST family of computers represent the dark side and
shall not be mentioned in close quarters of any other Amigan.
They represent an inferior product and cannot ever be compared
to the true computer goddess.... The Amiga.

That said I have kinda mellowed over the years and now view the
Atari ST as an inferior product ... blah blah but probably having
some place in the retro annals of time... Is that the right annal.

I still struggle using these computers. They are seriously an
acquired taste I guess, not that I have ever acquired one. From
the odd way the system boots either with the TOS disk or not and
then struggles to give any real functionality from the crude GEM
interface which is like very very basic, I struggle. Probably just my
ignorance but I always want to reach out for the Amiga whenever
I switch one of these computers on, cus the Amiga just does things
better. Added to the fact the Amiga actually has custom chips and
doesn't use off the shelf stuff as an excuse for hardware.

Most of the more popular games ported between the two platforms
anyway. It's kinda unfair though in many ways to compare cus you
have to go back to an unexpanded A500 I guess to make any kind of
comparison. Saying that I do have a Falcon and that doesn't feel
much better and certainly doesn't get close to an A1200 even
without an 030 in the trap door.

Consequently I have never felt obliged to get any serious software
or games for the Atari. Never ever seen the point. I do enjoy
mucking about on the 400 and 800 and would like to use the 1050

Weird that I managed to get so many STs in truth. I really have
no idea how that happened. Must have put multiple bids in the hope
of getting one and finished up winning the lot. Anyway I have given
the computer that I use for testing a good clean. I don't have a
suitable monitor and I don't have any to spare from my beloved
Amigas, so it's black and white on the TV for now. I still enjoyed
playing Sim City, but then I always have.

I do know folk that love these computers. Most are musically minded
with the Atari hooked up through the midi interface. But without
the music angle I do wonder how successful this machine would have
been. On the plus side the power off a tea kettle gets a big thumbs up....

Atari 1040ST from 1986 onwards running off the 68000 at 8MHz
RAM is 512KB up to 4MB and needs 32KB with TOS disk 192KB otherwise
Sound is provided by the Yamaha YM-2149
And the OS is the TOS/GEM style. Not a fan.

The screen would normally be green for those viewing in black and white.

[ And for those that don't appreciate, anyone that lived through the computer
wars of 1986-92 knows what it was to be an Amigan or one of the 'others'.

Lest we ever forget.... remember the fallen and ' Keep the Faith ' ]

Me... I was using an Amstrad so what do I know

By the way I have absolutely nothing against
The Atari or MAC or any of the lesser quality systems

Evidently I am supposed to preface that with a LOL
and some kind of symbol of a tongue in cheek...

If I could do text talk .. But I don't so I wont

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Last updated 23/05/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018