

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2021

Entry 29th May 2021: Post 1: Amiga Game - Detroit

Amiga Game - Detroit

It would be interesting to determine the percentage of games that
I have purchased in my time and never played. I kinda have a very
simple rule and that is if the game doesn't grab me within the
first ten minutes of play then it's toast.

Detroit is an odd game cus it was released a good while after the
A500 was discontinued, and the same year that Commodore went bust.
It is clearly labelled for the A500 and also, in truth, presumes
a hard drive.

The game box is sumptuous and one of the best I have ever seen.
I would have been drawn to this game in the store cus first the
box art is so good [ very ZZ Top ] and the contents make this a
very heavy package. Although I am not a great fan of auto-mobiles
I do like the simulated aspect of the game.

Sadly, any game that literally requires me to read words all the
time just isn't going to work. I guess that is why I never like
ever used spreadsheets... boring. I only read books with pictures
and I generally only play games with animations and moving stuff.
The game from the get go was a turn off, and this time around I
didn't get any further, even though I had intended taking some
pictures for the blog. I had tried the game on the A1200 in here
to check out the disks and I was bored rigid. Interestingly the
game lets you copy the disks and ADF them.

I'm sure to some this may be an interesting game. If you like
making choices about design and production runs in the creation
of a successful car then it may be of interest. Dunno.

The game was released in 1994 by Impressions Software Inc. There
are a couple of reviews plus a cover disk to be had, though one
review is complementary and the other says .. ' Rather than
playing this game I suggest you go down to your local technical
college and enrol on an accountancy course'. [ score 27% ]

A much better game is Detroit: Become Human on the PS4. See
if you can be brave enough not to shoot the android. Just saying.

Amiga Game - Detroit

p> p>

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Last updated 29th May 2021

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