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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 28th November 2017: Post: 1

I can never find anything here !!!

One of my duties as junior in the first office I worked in was to
do the stamp run when the new stamps came out. I would have to
take orders from everyone in what was a very large office and then
stand in queue the next day as the post office opened to get all
the stamps. You would think that would be easy... It was not. Did
you know that stamp collectors collect... wait for it... mint,
mint finely used, presentation packs, gutter pairs. traffic light
gutter pairs, blocks of four, first day covers and even whole
sheets or half sheets. And this happened with every stamp released
and that includes all the definitives.

And why.. to reduce the odds on having a rare. I tried it myself
for a few years but gave up. 

So what is the point. Well I call it the Barbie conundrum. Take a
basic kids doll say Barbie or Action Man. What are the odds that
a child will 'not' open the box. Further, what are the odds that
they won't destroy the box including all the clips, toggles and
inner packaging. What are the chances that the box will remain
in good condition and remain undamaged... forget the doll or
action figure. The point being in all cases that you increase
dramatically the rarity and value of something by keeping all
the packaging. Only mint stamp collectors buy intentionally the
goods without ever intending to use them.

And so to computers and boxes. I would love to have collected in
my time mint boxed computers. But with machines being so rare
you have to take what is offered. If you waited for a mint 
A4000T to become available complete with all its packaging and
books and receipt and also 'unopened' ever, you will wait like
for ever and ever and ever and ever. The trick was to buy two
when new ( mint and finely used in stamp terms ) and put the 
one in storage and be very careful how you use the other.

The point being that in the end the box becomes the most valuable
item in your collection. I spent an eternity tracking down a
polystyrene cheese that held the modulator in an A500 box. In
the end I actually travelled to a persons house to collect the box. 
They were pretty shocked when I told them I only needed the 
polystyrene insert.

I have spent ages putting back together boxed sets of C64
presentation sets. Inside would have been a specific set of games
all in a special box. You would be amazed at how many boxed sets 
of computers do not have the correct contents.

In a hundred years from now a wealthy businessman will pay a small 
fortune, probably millions for a boxed Desktop Dynamite machine 
complete with books, all the leaflets, receipt etc all mint. He/she 
will not buy an A1200 unit on its own. And so you see the box is 
everything. I have tried to get boxes but fear I have like less 
than 5% in reasonable condition.

The bigger problem for any collector of computers is finding the 
space to store the stuff. As I will now discuss. I kick myself now
cus in truth I should have simply carried on saving stamps. 

Last night's problem

OK I was trying to complete my Amstrad review and check the computers
I have and sadly again had lost two small units. The Notepad and
Notebook. Scratching my head as to where they were. I also want to
put together a page on the luggables and need to find one or two of
those. I have been struggling to find an A500 motherboard and also a
boxed Acorn Pocket Book. 

Nothing for it sadly but to go venturing deep into the larger of my 
store areas to find these items. You would think I knew where it all
was but sadly not. Its always a trial and always it seems late at night.

Here goes nothing.....

I make no apologies for the state
of boxes. Like I say its the way
they came. Wish it were different

That's a Famicom Disk System there

Most of the items are on sturdy shelves
I hate stacking boxes. They always get damaged

Up the ladders and looking down see
what I am searching for. A can see the
Sharp but not the Amstrads

Half these things I have never used

Atari boxes are always so big

No luck there

Looks like I have to peel away
some of the layers


Mouse Pad and really really old mouse

OK fish the camera down the gaps and
see if I can see the Amstrads

Took me ages to store the stuff

Some boxes are more obvious than others
as to the contents inside

Always tempted to open up... Resist

A PS1 control connector. Looks like the
Terminator's arm stranded and lost.

I have no idea what is in that box

That's the Aquarius I was looking for

How do I get that out

I have a feeling that is a BBC in that box

Struggling with the camera between boxes
That's an Evesham classic PC on the left

XBOX v Playstation.. Always look after
your boxes. Very important

So many Toshiba MSX units


Need to remember where I kept
the Enterprise. I have two...

The Toshiba also came in a kit box

Losing sight of my challenge here

OK at this point I found the two Amstrads
they were behind that Yamaha [ silver thing ]

I also found the A500 motherboard
albeit I realise now that the board
is a broken one and the Plus that
was in the box got used. Never mind

Two seriously amazing bits of kit there

Think I've found everything now

OK this is what I recovered. The Sharp
PC7221.. sadly the screen has degraded
and the battery is flat. No longer boots
The Amstrad Notebook and Notepad , both
appeared to be working fine. The Acorn
Pocket Book that needs some batteries.
The Aquarius plus a memory pack. The A500
motherboard which I will check but I think
is broken. And a box of MS DOS 2.1 which I
have been looking for.

It's an IBM with an orange screen
The face is that guy from All Creatures
Great and Small I think... Robert Hardy dunno
I collected the IBM and spent a very pleasant
afternoon with a most interesting and
informative computer enthusiast. His IBM
luggable is still working

An old version of Word....
So funny... I tried to play Solitaire
on the orange screen of the IBM but
all the cards were the same colour.

Anyway I blew out the candle and
went to bed. Leaving all the computers
to have fun on their own no doubt.

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Last updated 28/11/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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