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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2018

Entry 29th November 2018: Post 02: Has it been a year

Has it been a year

Where do the days go. Feels like only a few days ago I was getting
ready for the end of another year and here I am again backing up
and setting matters ready for 2019. So when I reflect on November
2017 I just cannot believe it has been a whole year. Time it does
just zonk by.

Anyway, I hadn't created a picture index for November 2017 so here
it is. Quite busy, but nothing like December. I am not sure I had
intended taking so many fresh images for the site but in truth I
guess I took a lot lot more than you can even imagine. So many
didn't make the pages.

Just to explain for those that don't know. I have been collecting
computers for a good few years [ decades ]. Most of what I had was
carefully stored and placed under dust covers. My work time was so
busy I never seemed to get the time to play.

An opportunity came along in 2013 that allowed me to take leave
from work at the end of 2014. I had always intended taking a
sabbatical so that I could enjoy what I had before I got old. My
intention was to have 3 to 5 years away from work and then take
it from there.

When I finally left the practice in November 2014 I still had a
cat living here who was quite aged. His favourite room just
happened to be where I store most of the kit and he lived on
one or two of the boxes. So I chose not to open up and disturb
him at that time. Anyway, on the stroke of midnight Christmas
Eve of 2016 poor aged Timmay died.

From that moment I have turned the house upside down and opened
all the plastic tubs and boxes and slowly recorded the whole
collection. It took me a good year. I struggled hard and
managed to arrange the collection into manageable mounds so that
I could start recording and photographing it all. I believe that
after over two years I have finally done that.

So what is next..... Well that is easy. Next year. That is all
I can say. 

November 2017

Entry November 30: Diary: Amstrad Notebook NC200

Entry November 30: Diary: Amstrad Notepad NC100

Entry November 28: Diary: I can never find anything here !!!

Entry November 27: Diary: Appletalk - The Apple ][ Part 5 - There's more

Entry November 27: Diary: Amstrad PC1512DD - with PC-CM

Entry November 27: Diary: Amstrad PPC 640 - Loadsa batteries

Entry November 25: Diary: Amstrad MEGA blast - Part 2

Entry November 25: Diary: Amstrad MEGA blast - Part 1

Entry November 24: Diary: Amstrad ALT-386SX - Update

Entry November 24: Diary: More Packs

Entry November 24: Diary: The Amstrad ALT-386SX - Bag of Sugar

Entry November 23: Diary: The PCW9512+ update - Citizen 'Came'

Entry November 22: Diary: Golem v RF 542C on the Amiga

Entry November 22: Diary: Amiga 5.25" drive RF 542C

Entry November 22: Diary: I found GOLEM

Entry November 22: Diary: PCW9512+ teardown

Entry November 20: Diary: Carnage for the Amiga 1992

Entry November 20: Diary: Appletalk - The Apple ][ Part 4

Entry November 20: Diary: Appletalk - The Apple ][ Part 3

Entry November 20: Diary: Appletalk - The Apple ][ Part 2

Entry November 20: Diary: Appletalk - The Apple ][ Part 1

Entry November 20: Diary: B O O K S and Manuals - More Books v4.0

Entry November 17: Diary: Acorn A3010 - Number 4 - Battery check

Entry November 17: Diary: Acorn A3010 Ultimate repair review

Entry November 17: Diary: Acorns all over the place

Entry November 17: Diary: Under the hood with the Acorn A7000

Entry November 17: Diary: Under the hood with the Acorn A5000

Entry November 15: Diary: The Office Geek

Entry November 15: Diary: PC Disk Catalogue - Update

Entry November 15: Diary: The future is retro - Seriously

Entry November 11: Diary: You gotta be kidding me !!!

Entry November 11: Diary: Those Amigas living in a box - Part 2

Entry November 11: Diary: Those Amigas living in a box - Part 1

Entry November 11: Diary: A500 that thinks she is an A1200

Entry November 11: Diary: Do I really have to open every single A500 ?

Entry November 10: Diary: Don't leave me this way .. !!!

Entry November 09: Diary: The Acid Test - Part 8

Entry November 09: Diary: The Acid Test - Part 7

Entry November 09: Diary: The Acid Test - Part 6

Entry November 09: Diary: The Acid Test - Part 5

Entry November 09: Diary: The Acid Test - Part 4

Entry November 09: Diary: The Acid Test - Part 3

Entry November 09: Diary: The Acid Test - Part 2

Entry November 09: Diary: The Acid Test - Part 1

Entry November 06: Diary: B494 and the SONY era

Entry November 06: Diary: Sad little 600

Entry November 06: Diary: Saving the A500+ - Part 2

Entry November 05: Diary: Someone saved my life tonight

Entry November 05: Diary: My Atari X-HELL

Entry November 04: Diary: BiT more of a HiT

Entry November 03: Diary: D I S K E T T E

Entry November 03: Diary: Are you a survivor

Entry November 03: Diary: B O O K S and Manuals - More Books v3.0

Entry November 03: Diary: Abacus Books for the Amiga

Entry November 03: Diary: AmigaDOS Reference Guide

Entry November 02: Diary: Commodore C116

Entry November 02: Diary: ZX Banger Racing

Entry November 02: Diary: Retro Gamer

Entry November 02: Diary: By Jupiter that's Ace

Entry November 01: Diary: Enough with the paperwork already

Entry November 01: Diary: Petspeed

Entry November 01: Diary: More Books

Entry November 01: Diary: Work of art

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Last updated 29th November 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018