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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2019

Entry 19th November 2019: Post 01: Amstrad 1512 - Take II.

Amstrad 1512 - Take II.

Today was the turn of the Amstrad 1512 DD version with the colour
PC-CM monitor. The computer is a variant of the one I photographed
yesterday. This one has no hard drive and double 5.25" floppy drives.
The machine boots off two disks to get into the GEM desktop.

The colour screen is crystal clear, but sadly impossible for me
to photograph without having black lines. I did try another camera
on a slower shutter but all that did was make the whole picture
dark. So you will have to take my word for it. I could transfer
this monitor to the HD version.

I decided not to swap out the batteries on this machine. At £5 a
pop it really isn't worth it to be honest. This computer is in
deep store for the most part. She has her very own Amstrad dust
cover to keep her clean.

Amstrad PC 1512 DD plus PC-CM colour monitor.
Manufactured in the UK in 1086.
Uses the Intel 8086 processor running at 8MHz.
RAM is 512KB  ( up to 640 KB ) with 16 KB ROM.
The unit has two 5.25" disk drives.
The OS is DOS Plus Version 1.2 by Digital Research.
GEM Desktop 2.0 March 24th 1986 Digital Research.

GEM by Lee Jay Lorenzen, Greg Morris and Lowel Websster.


Amstrad 1512 - Take II.

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Last updated 19th November 2019

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