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ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2017

Entry 25th October 2017: Post: 2


I was so frustrated that this little beauty could actually save
stuff in a permanent way but I was unable to do so without the
necessary EPROM. Anyway, luck would have it an EPROM came up for
auction on the Bay and I was lucky enough to win it. The EPROM
arrived today and I fitted it... and it worked a treat.

The issue you have with EPROM, for those that don't know is it 
isn't like a disk save or flash save as the ROM is fixed and you 
cannot delete the file. You can only flag it as no longer required. 
This means you really do use the storage space very quickly.

You can buy an eraser for the EPROM. But that deletes everything.


The EPROM sitting on top of the Cambridge Z88

The EPROM has to be fitted to slot 3

Slots in without any issue

Checks the time [ very tricky taking pics ]

Fired up BASIC and wrote and saved a
short program to the main memory

Press INDEX and scroll to the FILER
[ fingers crossed ] Saved to EPROM and
then used the catalogue EPROM function

And there we have it... OCTEPROM and to
check I saved SCUZZ as a second copy

Job done and all working without fault

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Last updated 25/10/2017

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