

ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2020

Entry 6th October 2020: Post 1: Amiga Art - Brilliance Paint Package.

Amiga Art - Brilliance Paint Package.

There isn't really very much I can say about Brilliance. Sadly it
was so brilliant I could never afford it in the day. I did view
the paint package as the best on the market. Sadly it never came
out on a cover disk.

The interface looks a bit like ImageFX and DigiPaint though it is
a little easier to use as the menus pop up onto the screen floating
about. Took me an age to find the open, close, load and save button.

The issue I have with these packages is the lack of support for the
formats you use on the internet. I was forced as ever to use PPaint
to convert to an Amiga IFF format.

The image quality is superb and the tools are very good. For me
though looking at it from a modern perspective, there really is
never a good reason to use an Amiga when I have Photoshop.

Anyhoo the package is called Brilliance made in the UK by Digital
Creations 1993-94 for Release 2.0. I do have the first version also.

I took the opportunity to play about with my latest book cover
featuring the adorable Clara Veiga.

I do like to look at things in context and it was interesting that
the CU Amiga feature was printed at the same time that Cannon Fodder
and Terminator 2 were in production. Other games such as Hired Guns
and Sim Life plus Star Trek 25th Anniversary were hot numbers.

I was able to copy the disks and place them on the Emulator so I
was able to take some fancy snapshots. Which was nice.

Gotta go .. got a date with a pesky 500 doing the 1MB fast and slow.

Amiga Art - Brilliance Paint Package.

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Last updated 6th October 2020

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