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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017

Entry 12th September 2017: Post: 3


I do like games with a bit of strange mystery about them. 
The kind where they are never really what they appear to 
be.  The game Darkseed is one just game and I particularly 
like the art style of H R Giger.

Quote: Darkseed is based upon the fantastic artwork of Swiss 
surrealist H R Giger, the inspiration for such blockbusters 
as Alien, Alien III and Polterguist II. Giger has revolutionised 
the look of science fiction forever with his unique 'Biomechanical' 
style which depicts the synthesis of technology and biology 
as they might evolve without the influence of man.

H R Giger website

Another game with a very odd mental slant is Dreamweb which
I found most disturbing at times given that you take on the 
role of the character in the game and I am left feeling a 
little uncomortable with my actions.

Great game though all the same.

Diskbox Images

Images from the special diskpack

Differing disks depending on the publisher

Playable demo from 100% Amiga

Extracts from the game manual


Sounds like my own diary

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Last updated 12/09/2017

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