

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2021

Entry 1st September 2021: Post 2: Goodbye Blue Sky.

Goodbye Blue Sky.

There is a track by Pink Floyd on The Wall called Goodbye Blue Sky.
I am not a fan of the summer. I wouldn't mind if the weather was
more variable with patches of cloudy days plus the sun, but the
years of late have given sustained periods of intense sunshine
which sadly renders the upstairs to this house unusable. So this
year at the first sign of trouble I abandoned my efforts to work
around the heat and moved into the cool of the workshop. In the
end there was only really two spikes of hot weather and the rest
of the time it was relatively cloudy. However I was well established
in the workshop and determined it better that I stay away from the
internet until September.

And so the day has returned when I can again venture freely in
the upper quarters and so I return. During the period I have not
stopped photographing and recording the collection and have a good
two months already in the bag. Below is a taster of what is to come.

Incredibly this week I managed to lose my desk lamp that I use to
flood my subjects with light, and also broke the tripod. I need to
obtain a replacement suitable tube. I fixed the tripod earlier.

Today I was concluding a little adventure with Paperboy on the
Amstrad CPC464. I have some more work to do though with the feature
not appearing until two months from now it is something that can wait
until I get a new lamp. Here are a few of the images.

Anyhoo here is a short list of what I have in the bag. So we should
be back to a steady flow after today.

I like clouds !!!

01: DVD rot
02: Bad capacitors
03: Best games ever
04: Sandwich board
05: Graham: Backing Up
06: Tainted love
07: CD Media Vision
08: Serial killer
09: Duke Nukem
10: Datassette
11: 4000 motherboard
12: C64 video
13: 1994CU
14: RoboCop
15: Power supplies
16: Kindwords
17: Wordworth
18: Amstrad DDi and AmDOS
19: Atari DOS
20: +3 DOS
21: Disk operating the 6128
22: BBC external floppy drive
23: The C64 DOS direct access
24: 1571
25: Disk operating systems for all
26: 525 PC Disks
27: Amstrad Advanced DnD
28: Amstrad PP7
29: DBase II
30: C64 disks
31: GEM
32: Only on vinyl
33: Misc [ still need to sort this lot out ]
34: Video Tape
35: A1200 failed hd
36: A4000 simm slot fix
37: HiSoft
38: Uridium
39: Bombuzel
40: Pascal
41: Amiga QNX
42: Bayko Building Kits
43: Coundown Jerry Anderson
44: Books and more books
45: C64 software getting serious
46: Amstrad 1512 battery problems
47: Acorn 5000: Still alive
48: BBC Master System: Battery check
49: GEOS mouse
50: PowerCrap er sorry Mac PowerPC
51: Text based adventures
52: Games that never was
53: Zool
54: Paperboy Amstrad
55: Paperboy C64
56: Cuddly Ken
57: Numbers
58: Beano
59: Compaq
60: Evesham Vale
61: 3 inches
62: Light Works


>> Click here << to listen to something else I created in the interval - Author scuzz
Plus here are those two entries I made last month .. with music.

Summer thoughts 2021 - 1 | Summer thoughts 2021 - 2

Goodbye Blue Sky.

The way I like my sky.

A better level of comfort.

The days just getting shorter. Cool.

My light just went pop.

The tripod fell over.

... And work in progress.

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Last updated 2nd September 2021

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2021