

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2021

Entry 7th September 2021: Post 1: Deluxe Paint V - Changing text colour.

Deluxe Paint V - Changing text colour.

I was asked two questions recently about Deluxe Paint V. The first
was whether you can run the software on an Amiga 500Plus and the
second was how to change the font colour.

First: DPaint V can be run on a 500Plus. Just needs the correct
asl.library and that is provided on the Extras_Disk.

Second: To change text colour select the active colour and then
right click the text icon from the tool bar and select the font.

The software requires an ASSIGN in 'user-startup' in the S drawer.

I used an A1200 to undertake my mission today. I didn't get round
to using the A500Plus as I was struggling today with a failed
mouse problem on a conventional PC. Don't ask.

Deluxe Paint V - Changing text colour.

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Last updated 7th September 2021

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2021