

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2021

Entry 9th September 2021: Post 1: Amiga 600 - Heart and soul and tinted love.

Amiga 600 - Heart and soul and tinted love.
I have any number of Amigas that I hold on standby and test at
various intervals. They often have issues that I monitor, and
mostly relate to failing hard drives. The two A600s that I checked
today have dodgy drives and need an extra long boot time to get
them working. Further, the HD version has a slight green tint to
the Workbench screen.

Amiga 600:

Left running on the bench for half an hour and then reset a few
times and she fired up no problem. All clear.

Amiga 600HD:

Booted up immediately and the very slight green tint checked. This
is likely due to a failing VideoDAC which is pretty common for the
A600 and A1200. I used a copy of Pro-Tracker which lets me use the
colour slides to check sensitivity. Interestingly it was the blue
slide that appeared to be none-responsive for the first five
millimetres or so. I over emphasised the tint to show the problem
which in truth does not look anything like as bad. You can alter
the palette colour for grey by moving the slider but it didn't
seem worth it.

Someone commented on using a CF card in an A600 on the forums and
pointed out that having a hard drive gives you extra benefits of
being able to listen to just what the Amiga is up to. Someone then
responded saying it gave the computer a soul. For me it's more of a
heart and soul.

Anyhoo, both computers are working and below I include a small video
of the A600 booting. Warms my own heart whenever I hear it.

Happy days.

Amiga 600 - Heart and soul and tinted love.

Amiga 600 booting from the hard drive.

I have coloured the screen more green
but you get the idea of the problem.

This split image shows the green
as it appears on the monitor.

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Last updated 9th September 2021

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2021