

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2021

Entry 19th September 2021: Post 1: CU Amiga Cover Disk 8 - RoboCop 2 DMS.

CU Amiga Cover Disk 8 - RoboCop 2 DMS.

Someone recently asked the question why CU Amiga cover disk 8 could
not be created into an ADF. I understand the frustration of some
users that use an emulator on a PC or an emulator such as a Gotek
that try to mimic a real Amiga drive. These systems require the
ADF format to function.

The disk in question was partly dual format. The game itself is
designed to play on the Atari ST and the Amiga. Fortunately the
disk boots into Workbench under the title Lemmings. But you cannot
copy the dual format content.

The answer is simple. First make sure you have DMS in the C drawer
of your Workbench disk. Next you fire up the SHELL/CLI. Type in.

dms read ram:t/cu-08.dms

'read' will read your cover disk 8.
'ram:t' is where you are copying the file to.
'cu-08.dms' is the name you are giving the file.

To now create a fresh disk just exchange 'write' for 'read' and DMS
will create a perfect Amiga disk with both Lemmings and Robocop 2.

Having completed the exercise I tested the copy disk on the Amiga 500
and she worked perfectly. I do not show the 'write' process cus I
didn't break any copyright rules duplicating disks... Did I ?

Go figure.

PS If you try to ADFBlitz the thing the disk just hangs. It creates an
image and says it completes the process. But it hasn't. Trust me.

CU Amiga Cover Disk 8 - RoboCop 2 DMS.

By the way, having a real Amiga means
you never have to trouble yourself with
such things. That is why I only use the
authentic stuff and not pilfered downloads
from illegal sources. But hey I play by my
rules ... ' Participate, don't emulate '.

Sorry for all those that need their ADF
fix. It just aint possible with dual format

I just checked Ebay and there is a page
of the game on sale. So no excuses really.

Happy days. !! Remember.. It's only a lifetime.
Time is all you have. Don't waste it.

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Last updated 19th September 2021

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2021