

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2022

Entry 10th September 2022: Post 1: The Home Office.

The Home Office.

1987 marked for me a transition from trivial computer gaming to
more serious paperwork based activities. So much so that I made
the conscious decision to shun the Amiga and buy a dedicated
word processing computer. My family were Amiga nutters and I was
certainly under pressure to follow suit. Instead though I really
wanted a machine that was computer and monitor together and had
a printer as standard. A decision that proved most valuable as I
used the computer during my time running my own business.

That being said I was aware of just how popular the A500 was.

I do believe that whilst the Amiga 500 was seen as a lightweight
model compared to the big box computers, many users were quite
ambitious in the way they upgraded and set their machines up. It
certainly appeared from my years of collecting Amiga 500s from
users that they had indeed been using the computer in a far more
practical way for accounts and home management. The whole family
was taking advantage of the computer as an aid to educational
work and job seeking. Amongst the titles supporting the computer
were any number of word processing packages and spreadsheets.

I appreciate that in today's world the primary use of the A500
is as a games machine, but it must be remembered that in its prime
the Amiga 500 had advanced leaps and bounds beyond its humble
beginnings as a most valued tool in the home office. I am
sure that if Commodore had carried on post 1994 they would have
easily competed with Microsoft and Apple in the home office area
given that they were way more popular, cost effective and had a
quite massive foothold in the home.

Anyhoo..  I took the opportunity to take a few pictures of the
magazines featured in the recent blogs from the A500 era to show
one or two examples of the wonderful world of the Amiga from the
day. I am always truly amazed by the way this humble computer was
being transformed to satisfy a quite buoyant and enthusiastic user
base. And whilst I never regretted my decision to buy a PCW9512
I do kinda wish I'd also bought an A500. Ar hum ...

The Home Office.

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Last updated 10th September 2022

Chandraise Kingdom

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