

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2022

Entry 14th September 2022: Post 1: Subbuteo - Continental Club and Display Edition.

Subbuteo - Continental Club and Display Edition.

A little while back I discussed the game Subbuteo and how when I
was a young lad I use to trawl around the neighbourhood with my
Continental Display Edition and play my mates in a mini league.
I also explained how I gave my beloved Subbuteo away to a nephew
back in the eighties... Boo Hoo.

Anyway, all this left me feeling a little empty as I do like to
have the actual 'thing' when featuring photos on the website. So
there was nothing for it but to get hold of an original Subbuteo
Continental Display Edition. This I did and then went one better.
I also purchased the twice as big Continental Club Edition with
extra added pitch fencing. My goodness I was really going for it.

The fixture/score card records a 25th December date that predates
a 1971 date so I am guessing this was some young lads Christmas
present in 1970, some 52 years ago. Just incredible how very well
preserved the box and contents are. There are just two side flags
missing which I will get over the coming months.

I didn't play with myself, whoo-er! So I simply set up the goals
on the bench and had a shot at goal. Remarkably I scored a belter.
I should have ironed the pitch first, but you get the idea.

The game is a real 'nice to have' in my games collection and I am
kinda glad I started looking at my games from my childhood as the
having always brings such a lot of happy memories.

On this one I can be sure when I say .. 'Happy Days'. They really
were some of the most happy of my life. I'm so glad I never grew
up. Just a kid trapped in a mans body. Who cares !!!!

Subbuteo - Continental Club and Display Edition.

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Last updated 14th September 2022

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