

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2022

Entry 21st September 2022: Post 1: Ocean Software - Hiding in the Blue.

Ocean Software - Hiding in the Blue.

Someone asked what happened to Ocean Software. Well that's very
easy, they are the property of Bandai Namco having been purchased
from an obscure gaming company called Atari. The company had been
merged into Infogrames prior to this. Hope that helps.

This was an easy blog. I have areas in the house dedicated to all
the popular platforms and I just wandered over and grabbed the
first thing I found and they all featured an Ocean product. These
guys were the biggest video games developer in Europe during the
better part of the 80s and 90s. Founded by David Ward and John
Woods, Ocean were a British software development company. They
pretty much provided games software for all the major platforms.

Just Google Wiki and look for yourself.

For my part I've been playing Ocean stuff since the days of the
Spectrum at the beginning of the eighties. It was one of those
familiar names that kinda clicked. They also had a habit of selling
some of the better games.

Time moved on and from the Amstrad to Amiga they continued to
produce some of the most memorable titles. They made a name for
themselves selling games titles for TV and movie spin offs. This
was enhanced somewhat by there collaboration with US Gold making
compilation sets under the name Hit-Squad.

Anyhoo I was well chuffed someone asked the question cus when I
opened a couple of Amstrad boxes I found two lots of tapes that
I didn't know I had. Thanks for that. Also any feature that lets
me show images of two of my favourite people, Bruce Willis and
Kim Basinger can't be bad.

That was that... the answer was Bandai Namco.

Ocean Software - Hiding in the Blue.

The brand name in entertainment software

Ocean boasts arcade action

Match Day and Platoon

Gryzor and Rambo

Combat School and Operation Wolf

Where time stood still and that sports bloke

Guts and Robocop

Firefly and Champions

Live Ammo and Games Set

Magnificent Seven

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Last updated 21st September 2022

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