

ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2023

Entry 20th December 2023: Post 1: My retro passion of doing the rounds.

My retro passion of doing the rounds.

It is not often that I switch so many of my computers on at the
same time, but every so often in checking the status of machines
I fire a whole batch up just to feed my retro passion. Each of 
the machines shown here today has been restored back to working 
order by my own hands and it gives me a thrill to still see that
they breath life. In addition to these computers, which are in a
permanent state of readiness, I also have my army of Amigas. I
decided not to test the local electrical network by also firing
those computers up.

In order the computers are:

01: Amstrad PC1512 HD20 - 1986
02: A1500 Checkmate
03: Tatung Einstein - 1984
04: Amiga 500 with ViperCD
05: Acorn 7000 RISC PC - 1995
06: Amstrad 6128 - 1985
07: Amstrad PCW9512 - 1987
08: Amiga 1500 - 1990
09: Amstrad 8512 - 1985
10: Amstrad 6128 PLUS - 1990
11: Amstrad CPC 464 plus DDI-1 drive - 1984
12: Amiga 500 plus A590 sidecar.

My retro passion of doing the rounds.

October 25th 2501: scuzzblog: Amstrad PC1512 HD20 - Batteries again.

June19 1001: scuzzblog: Checkmate 1500 - To infinity and beyond

April20 1301: scuzzblog: Tatung Einstein and Dr Logo.


September18 0701: scuzzblog: Amiga 500 - VIPER 520 CD

January20 0601: scuzzblog: Acorn A7000 - Battery removal.

Entry December 03: Diary: 6128 - Inside Out

September19 0701: scuzzblog: Amstrad - My PCW9512 era.

March 18th 1801: scuzzblog: Amiga 1500 - 2.1 on 3.1 backup onto emulator - GoldED.

Apr30 3002: scuzzblog: Amstrad PCW8256

August 4th 0401: scuzzblog: Amstrad 6128plus - A case of the last 8-bit CPC.

September 26th 2601: scuzzblog: Amstrad CPC464 - DDI-1 plus interface.

September 30th 3001: scuzzblog: A590 - The magical sound of the Amiga.

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Last updated 20th December 2023

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
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