Commodore Amiga Retro

There are no disks on this site for download
I am unable to verify copyright of material and therefore
am not making any disks available. All disk links are for
my own private use. I do apologise for this but thats the law


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Email scuzz

For previous diaries click the above link

If you need help then why not drop me a line

Got a date with a ghost!!

A P R I L - 2 0 1 8

Apr30 3002: scuzzblog: Amstrad PCW8256

Apr30 3001: scuzzblog: BBC Model B - What's that burning smell

Apr29 2901: scuzzblog: BBC MICRO : Part 1 - Master System

Apr29 2902: scuzzblog: BBC MICRO : Part 2 - Computer Literacy Project

Apr28 2802: scuzzblog: IBM PS/1 with Windows 3.1

Apr28 2801: scuzzblog: Not for phone fingers

Apr27 2703: scuzzblog: Evesham Laptop

Apr27 2702: scuzzblog: PCW 9256 and 16 - A couple of Amstrads

Apr27 2701: scuzzblog: Atari Falcon 030 - Green across the screen

Apr26 2601: scuzzblog: Balance of Power - Me I'm just a lawnmower

Apr25 2502: scuzzblog: Video back-up - I should be so lucky

Apr25 2501: scuzzblog: Sam Coupe from Miles Gordon

Apr24 2401: scuzzblog: Acorn Atom - Build your own

Apr23 2303: scuzzblog: Commodore CBM 3032 - Lost my keys

Apr23 2302: scuzzblog: Commodore CBM 3032 - Back to the heavyweights

Apr23 2301: scuzzblog: Commodore CBM 8050 - Back to the heavyweights

Apr22 2203: scuzzblog: Commodore C128D and not cost reduced

Apr22 2202: scuzzblog: A1000 - Interface info

Apr21 2104: scuzzblog: On her last legs - Forty years on

Apr21 2103: scuzzblog: Groundhog Day - A day shall never forget

Apr21 2102: scuzzblog: AmigaGuide - Books with Buttons

Apr21 2101: scuzzblog: DPaint Masterclass

Apr20 2001: scuzzblog: If all else fails !!!

Apr20 2002: scuzzblog: Freedom

Apr19 1901: scuzzblog: Taking Samba for granted

Apr18 1801: scuzzblog: Nothing better to do so I switched on the Atari

Apr17 1703: scuzzblog: Try doing that with a CD

Apr17 1702: scuzzblog: I needed some cassettes

Apr17 1701: scuzzblog: Failed Hopelessly


March and the scuzzblog diaries


Check out the March TAB above

Mar16 1827: scuzzblog: A1000 with the A1060 Sidecar Working - Part 2

Mar16 1826: scuzzblog: A1000 with the A1060 Sidecar Working - Part 1

Mar15 1825: scuzzblog: A1200 - Unexpanded

Mar15 1824: scuzzblog: CD32 - Getting a rise out of the CD32

Mar14 1823: scuzzblog: 1060 and Disk Packs
Mar14 1822: scuzzblog: I'm in a black hole

End of one Glorious Year

Entry February 27: Diary: Amiga Games Manuals - Some of them
Entry February 26: Diary: Amiga Action - Advanced Booklet Creation
Entry February 26: Diary: Fred Fish
Entry February 25: Diary: Sinclair Spectrum 16K - Seeing the difference
Entry February 25: Diary: The way we were ... No pressure
Entry February 25: Diary: HiSoft
Entry February 24: Diary: DC TV for the Amiga

Last month on scuzzblog

Previously on scuzzblog

Previously on scuzzblog

The previous month on scuzzblog

Previously on scuzzblog

And previous to that on scuzzblog

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then click the image above for the full site

Last updated 09/06/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith