Commodore Amiga Retro

There are no disks on this site for download
I am unable to verify copyright of material and therefore
am not making any disks available. All disk links are for
my own private use. I do apologise for this but thats the law


C O N T A C T scuzzscink

Email scuzz

For previous diaries click the above link

If you need help then why not drop me a line

Got a date with a ghost!!

F E B R U A R Y - 2 0 2 0

~ February 28th 2020 ~

February20 2801: scuzzblog: Amiga 1000 - Back you go.

~ February 27th 2020 ~

February20 2701: scuzzblog: Evidently rare ... Not !!

~ February 26th 2020 ~

February20 2601: scuzzblog: Eyetech EZ-Tower - Down but not out. PT I

February20 2602: scuzzblog: Eyetech EZ-Tower - Down but not out. PT II

~ February 25th 2020 ~

February20 2501: scuzzblog: Formula 1 - Dicing with danger.

~ February 24th 2020 ~

February20 2401: scuzzblog: Amiga 3000 - The constant battle.

~ February 23rd 2020 ~

February20 2301: scuzzblog: Amiga CD's - Too much of a good thing.

Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga Format Scene Storm - Awash with CDs Part I.

Previously on scuzzblog: Life and death of the CD.

~ February 22nd 2020 ~

February20 2201: scuzzblog: DraCo - MacroSystem Marvels.

~ February 21st 2020 ~

February20 2101: scuzzblog: Predator 2 - Amstrad CPC464.

o ~ o eye poppie o ~ o

I do like showing pictures of the wonderful
Clara Veiga on the website. If I include a
picture of the lovely lady in my articles
the hit count for stats rises significantly.
Also the Google image search picks up more
pics of Clara than my Amigas when I feature
her. Not that I am complaining....

Previously on scuzzblog: Frame Grabber - Pro-GRAB 24RT Plus

Featuring the very lovely Clara Veiga.

Previously on scuzzblog: Video Capture - Vidi-Amiga Part II

Featuring the very lovely Clara Veiga.

HE||o - Your journey starts here

I have spent a considerable amount of time
updating the section of my site dedicated
to my books. I have also extracted the section
from the main site so I can concentrate
my efforts in one place.

And also featuring the very lovely Clara Veiga.

That should get my stat counts rising. So funny.

~ February 20th 2020 ~

February20 2001: scuzzblog: Norton Utilities - Essential Driving Skills.

~ February 19th 2020 ~

February20 1901: scuzzblog: Amiga Logo - Turtle Graphics.

February20 1902: scuzzblog: Amiga Scribble - Platinum Edition.

February20 1903: scuzzblog: Victape Computing - My lost dream.

~ February 18th 2020 ~

February20 1801: scuzzblog: Universe - Not really a Core game.

February20 1802: scuzzblog: Beneath a Steel Sky - The comic book.

Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga game - Lure of the Temptress.

~ February 17th 2020 ~

February20 1701: scuzzblog: CUAmiga - The wonder year.

Eyepoppie . sad. Ar hum !

~ February 16th 2020 ~

February20 1601: scuzzblog: Comic Setter - Create your own comic.

~ February 15th 2020 ~

February20 1501: scuzzblog: Photogenics - Almathera and P Nolan.

February20 1502: scuzzblog: Photogenics - Cover disks uncovered.

~ February 14th 2020 ~

February20 1401: scuzzblog: Science Fantasy - Alien and HR Giger.

February20 1402: scuzzblog: Complete Guide to the Amiga.

Previously on scuzzblog: D A R K S E E D

~ February 13th 2020 ~

February20 1301: scuzzblog: Elvira - Personal Nightmare.

Previously on scuzzblog: Elvira - Finally put to bed

~ February 12th 2020 ~

February20 1201: scuzzblog: My Amiga World - Why I collect.

February20 1202: scuzzblog: Why I chose Amstrad in 1987.

~ February 11th 2020 ~

February20 1101: scuzzblog: Atari 520STFM - Very similar.

~ February 10th 2020 ~

February20 1001: scuzzblog: Directory Opus 5.5 for the Amiga.

~ February 9th 2020 ~

February20 0901: scuzzblog: Apricot - Xi springs into ACTion.

Previously on scuzzblog: ACT Xi .. Apricot Portable

~ February 8th 2020 ~

February20 0801: scuzzblog: Amiga 1000 - Golem Megabit.

Previously on scuzzblog: A1000 - The Spirit within

Previously on scuzzblog: A1000 - Sense I was a little hard

Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1000 - Look after your boxes

~ February 7th 2020 ~

February20 0701: scuzzblog: Amiga 590 - Dip the ZIP.

Previously on scuzzblog: A590 - Party Mix

Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga A590 - Driving with a sidecar

Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga A590 - Grounding Clip

Previously on scuzzblog: A590 - Oh no !!! One of my A590s went AWOL

Previously on scuzzblog: A590 Plus LSD


previously on scuzzblog: Digitnow ! Grabs my Amiga

~ February 6th 2020 ~

February20 0601: scuzzblog: Commodore - 5'n'a quarter - Floppy Drives.

Previously on scuzzblog: Commodore C64 Breadbin and 1541.

Previously on scuzzblog: C64 with 1541 and the Strange Hole.

Previously on scuzzblog: Chasing the 5.25 - C64 drive checks

~ February 5th 2020 ~

February20 0501: scuzzblog: Amiga 500 - Fixed the wrong keyboard.

~ February 4th 2020 ~

February20 0401: scuzzblog: Amiga 500 - Buyers Beware.

~ February 3rd 2020 ~

February20 0301: scuzzblog: Amiga - A surprising A-500.

~ February 2nd 2020 ~

February20 0201: scuzzblog: Amiga 500 Plus - Buyers Guide.

February20 0202: scuzzblog: Amiga 500 - PLUS the disk box.

~ February 1st 2020 ~

February20 0101: scuzzblog: The A4000T and Tub 34.

February20 0102: scuzzblog: A500/A590 - A change of heart.

February20 0103: scuzzblog: A1200 - Unbranded 5.25 inch drive.

February20 0104: scuzzblog: E L V I R A - Coming very soon.

Yahoo Group - Membership is closed.

Commodore-Amiga-Retro membership news

~ Book Corner ~

I write books: Enter the world of Chandraise Kingdom.

A big thank you to Clara Veiga

Click CVink for all blogs in image link format

01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 |

There are nine pages to view.

scuzz site

If you can only see this CONTENT window
then click the image above for the full site

Last updated 29th February 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith

scuzzscink 2020

Aspiredelos Quionosta

My books are dedicated to Clara Veiga
The goddess of inspiration

scuzzscink 2020